The world is very much aware of the fact that on February 24, 2022, the Russian president signed a bill in which it was stated that the Luhansk Peoples Republic and Donetsk Peoples Republic are recognize as independent nations. That bill was passed by the Duma, the Russian parliament. After that, the Russian army infiltrated the international border and gave the name of that infiltration as "Special operation in Ukraine."
In the ongoing war against Ukraine, Russia on July 4th stated that their army had succeeded in taking Luhansk People's Republic under Russian army control. After the intensive bombing and firing of the extensive missiles in that region, Russia finally had success in liberating that region after capturing the Luhansk People’s Republic. It is because Ukrainian soldiers retreated from the last city of Luhansk, Lysychansk, which was heavily bombed by Russia, now the battle ground shifted in the Donetsk region because Ukrainian soldiers gave a tight fight back to Russian soldiers.
Why it is important to Russia to capture the Donbas region which is together Luhansk and Donetsk? it is because Donbas region is known as industrial hub also it is very rich in resource side and the largest coal reserves present in Ukraine is found in that region so that Russia wants to capture it, also there are a historic background of that capture, as we all know about that in 2014 when Russia captured Crimea after that in this region the separatist group declare to separate that region from Ukraine but formally Russia did not recognize that as a separate region from Ukraine but after that Russia helped that region like to provide economic support, vaccine support and other materials, which was needed for their requirement also there were 40 percent of people who lived there are spoken Russian language.
By capturing Donbas region Russia advances in strategic advantages in many ways like in winters many of the Sea ports of Russia is not functioning due to freezing of sea, so Russia wants to make a bridge from that Donbas region to Crimea region to access their ports in winter season also. So let's see what will be the outcome of ongoing war.
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