Monkey pox
India confirms first monkeypox case in karela. A man who returned from UAE. The first case of monkeypox was confirmed in India on July 14 after a person, who had returned to Karela from abroad developed symptoms of disease. 3 days-ago he had contacted a person with have another confirmed case in UAE.
World Health Network declared the monkey pox is a pandemic, because it stated that there are 3417 confirmed cases of monkeypox across 58 countries. If we do not take necessary steps to prevent this from spreading to another countries and continents, then millions of people will die with this monkey pox.
World Health Network said that if we not focus and cap the spread of this virus, then millions of people will die and many more will become blind and disabled by this virus. This is spreadable virus by contact with another person, who has same virus. World Health Network urged to World Health Organization that we should not repeat the mistake again. The world is witness to the great devastation that took place at the time of COVID. We should not repeat the mistake of COVID again, because. During COVID, we have very late in declaring it as a pandemic. If we would have declared COVID as a pandemic sooner, so a lot of people could save their life. And the economic crisis that is still standing in front of That too would have been a little less.
What is monkey pox?
It is a viral zoonosis. A virus transmitted to humans from animals with symptoms similar to those seen in past in small pox. At the time of early 20th century, we have seen the effect of chicken pox and small pox in last 19th century, due to insufficient knowledge about that virus many people were die with this virus, symptoms included – small rashes, high fever, rashes on whole body, laziness, tiredness Although The Who declared the smallpox free in 1980, it means that in 1980 who declared that world is free from small pox virus, but this virus is belongs to same family by which small pox and chicken pox belongs to.
Background of this virus
First human monkey pox was identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, then known as Zaire (Congo we already hear about this country in our school days because it is being taught in class 5th in our school days), in a 9-year-old boy in the region where smallpox has been eliminated in 1968. Since the most cases have been reported from Ruler Rainforest region of the Congo basin, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo where it is considered to be endemic. Since 1970, human cases of monkeypox have been reported from 11 African countries like. Central African Republic. Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, South Sudan. In 2017 there were most dangerous wave of this monkey pox identified, after that it spread to all over the world. In 2003. United States of America confirmed the first cases of monkeypox. In 2018 Israel reported first monkey call case. In UK 2019. First case of Monkey Pox confirmed. In 2019 Singapore has confirmed first case of monkey Pox.
How this virus spread?
Small animal rodents are suspected to host this virus from one place to another like rope, rats, rabbits, squirrels, so these animals are carrier of this virus also dog have potential to carry this virus. Human also a good carrier of this virus because it spread through contacting with infected person, sharing common bed, common drinking flask.
A study shows that it is not a type of COVID because it does not have the spreading capability that COVID has, so this virus is not more efficient in spreading, but the mortality rate of this virus is alarming for who and for human beings. Also, the good news is that a study conducted on this virus and done by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American authorities say that the vaccine for small pox is 85 percent efficient in monkey pox. But what is alarming is that even now it is not declared a pandemic, so let's see what is happening and pray everything is good for the world and human beings.
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