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How to counter modern offences

I introduce a law firm which is completely based on a digital aspect of both criminal and civil matters.
Criminal and civil matters
In India, the crime rate is increasing very rapidly. We are very aware of the fact that the people of India are enhances their skills and they use many scientific things which have not been identified by local police, or simply recruit from a background of art and science, so we introduce a law firm which is based on a forensic science study and also with the help of a technical expert. We create a digital database which records all of the biological and physical characteristics of that criminal. That helps a lot for a public officer to solve the case.

Cyber crime
We all know that today the world is busy on social media. As we say, everything happens on the Internet by using different platforms. The virtual world of the Internet is known as cyberspace, and the laws prevailing in this cyberspace are called cyber laws. As I previously mentioned, collaboration with cyber-related matters and forensic matters, which are dealt with by my law firm, this is also a big problem in society nowadays, because when it comes to cyber-related issues, the first thing that comes to mind is the right to privacy. Due to the spread of rumours, many incidents take place in India. As we are all aware of this fact, our law firm is creating a platform in association with social media platforms and collaboration with the government of India. Furthermore, I discussed my plan in an elaborative manner.

Criminal and civil matters
I introduce a law firm whose work is based on the study of forensic science. So let us talk about what forensic science is and how it helps Indian people reduce the crime rate and severity of crimes.
Forensic law generally deals with the involvement of forensic scientists in examining such physical traces of a human being as can be made useful in identifying a criminal during an investigation. The application of scientific principles and procedures from diverse scientific areas to legal concerns is referred to as forensic science. In criminal, civil, legislative, and social contexts, forensic science is a combination of practically all scientific capabilities that serves as a critical and competent tool for the administration of justice. It aids in the description of all of science’s applications in addressing legal issues. Forensic science is today a cutting-edge research tool employed in criminal and civil investigations, capable of answering key questions and an essential component of the criminal justice system. It covers all well-known techniques such as fingerprint analysis, DNA analysis, ballistics and explosives, guns, culture, and so on. By this way, we determine the cause of death of a victim of crime. There were many fields where forensics was used, such as toxicology, psychology, DNA profiling, ballistics, computer forensics, and fingerprint analysis, so this was the scope of this field, which is a problem in our society in the method of scientific crimes. I will share a case in which forensic science played a major role in solving, as I thought we must be aware of that case. The case is popularly known as the Shena Bora Murder Case (2015). Sheena Bora, an executive working in Mumbai, went missing on April 24, 2012. In August 2015, Mumbai Police arrested her mother, Indrani Mukharji, her stepfather, Sanjeev Khanna, and her mother’s driver, Shyamvar Rai, for allegedly abducting and killing her and subsequently burning her corpse. Sheena Bora’s body was identified several years after her murder by a DNA test.
For this, I created a database with the help of a computer science engineer in which I store multiple databases of crime-related issues like collecting the biological data of the criminals and also collecting data on their physical appearance that will help to easily recognise the culprits in any place. We collect all this data with the help of their permission. The Government of India
Further scope of my Law firm is also included the cybercrime related issues which is rapidly grown in our Indian society.
Cyber crimes
As we all know, cybercrime cases in India are increasing at an alarming rate, and computer literacy in India is also very low due to a lack of computer education in schools. As we have seen, many of the cases involve money withdrawal from customer accounts. And also in the cyber world, in India we see lots of accounts on this social media platform hacked by anonymous groups or individuals. But our police system has not been able to recognise these issues seriously. They also do not understand the technical aspect in which we deal with computer science technologies. Also, we must be aware of the fact that in many of the districts there were no cyber police stations present, so my solution is that Collaboration between my law firm and a technical expert I introduce a private complaint department in which Our law firm privately investigated this issue and solved it in the simplest manner. By this way, our law firm registered their cases in India by using an online complaint registration mechanism, by which we pay some registration fee for our firm needs are fulfilled by this. We guarantee to the public that they will refund your money, restore your account, and file a case against them for doing these things.

I point out some work of my law firm in this regard to help my client on this mentioned issue.
Firstly, they find by which device these frauds had happened and they Find that to whom? These transactions had transferred 
Secondly if we success in this process, we filed a case against him to compensate my client.
In account hacking issues, we ensure that who hacked our client must punished by law of land.
As I stated my above idea what I should to do with my idea, then I tell here the benefits of my work as follows – 
If I combine forensic with teach related things like create a date base of criminals then it should be beneficial for police to locate and help them to catch easily.
Cyber-crimes in order to be increasing rapidly that’s speed is decreased and with the help of my technology and my firm we should take advance security to these hackings, bank fraud etc.


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